Characteristics and effectiveness of silage starters “Biosib” and “Probactil” for maize silage-making


  • Dmitriy Kuznetsov OOO “Mustang-Sibir”



preservative, bacteria, dosage, lactic acid, pH level, silage, nutritional value, digestibility


In the diets of highly productive dairy cows, the percentage of preserved forages reaches 70-80% by weight, and due that the nutritional value may reach 60-70%. Achieving their maximum quality and nutritional value is an important task for specialists. Preservation of herbage occurs as a result of the activity of different bacteria: beneficial (lactic acid) and harmful (acetic and butyric acid bacteria, yeast and mold fungi). In 80% of cases, the natural colonization of herbage with lactic acid bacteria is not enough to achieve rapid pH reduction. The introduction of bacteria is the control of the fermentation process at the biological level. The use of preservatives “Biosib” and “Probaktil” in maize silage-making was studied. Their bacterial composition and the concentration of bacteria in 1 mL were studied. It was found that the use of biological preservatives promoted the active action of beneficial microorganisms, accelerates the preservation process by achieving the optimal pH. The proportion of lactic acid in the composition of organic acids reaches 70%. The organoleptic qualities and palatability of the finished forage are improved, and the silage has a pleasant smell of fermented vegetables, soft and crumbly consistency. The preservation of nutrients and the energy value is higher, crude protein - up to 17% higher, starch - up to 24%, sugars - up to 2 times, metabolizable energy - up to 7% higher, and the digestibility of organic matter - up to 4%. The costs of using the preservatives per 1 ton of silage amount from 33 to 37 rubles which is an order of magnitude less than the cost of compensating for nutrient losses during maize silage-making without preservatives.

Author Biography

Dmitriy Kuznetsov, OOO “Mustang-Sibir”

Cand. Agr. Sci., Consultancy Expert



How to Cite

1. Kuznetsov Д. В. Characteristics and effectiveness of silage starters “Biosib” and “Probactil” for maize silage-making // Вестник Алтайского государственного аграрного университета. 2024. № 5 (235). С. 36–41.