Influence of an elastic damping element on the value of kinetic and starting moments of resistance in a bearing unit


  • Sergey Psyukalo Don State Agricultural University
  • Vladimir Lukhanin Don State Agricultural University



bearing unit, moment of resistance, elastic damping element


The findings of the research to determine the magnitude of kinetic and starting moments of resistance in a bearing assembly when using an elastic damping element (EDE) are discussed. The influence of elastic damping element on reducing their values is shown, and that confirms the effectiveness of its use as an intermediate element in a bearing assembly. On the one hand, the main performance indices of the quality of parts of bearing units are their wear resistance and dynamic strength, and on the other hand, the moment of resistance to rotation which determines the degree of wear. The issue of resistance that arises under different operating conditions of a ball-bearing from the interaction of its elements (rings, balls, separator) with each other and the lubricant was understudied. This is explained by the diversity of the design of ball-bearings and the complexity of the processes occurring during the movement of bearing elements and, consequently, the influence of a large number of factors on the amount of resistance during its operation. The main of these factors are the rotation speed and the ratio between sliding and rolling of moving elements which depends on the ratio of the acting loads (axial and radial). In a large number of scientific works devoted to the study of the processes of friction and wear of metals, their influence on the service life of the machine, unfortunately, insufficient attention is paid to the study of the processes of friction and wear of parts of bearing units of specific machines. In those few works where wear in machines is studied, the research methods are based on measuring mainly changes in size and do not allow studying the essence of the wear processes that determine the service life of the machine.

Author Biographies

Sergey Psyukalo, Don State Agricultural University

Cand. Tech. Sci., Assoc. Prof., Azov-Black Sea Engineering Institute, Branch

Vladimir Lukhanin, Don State Agricultural University

Cand. Tech. Sci., Assoc. Prof., Azov-Black Sea Engineering Institute, Branch



How to Cite

1. Psyukalo С. П., Lukhanin В. А. Influence of an elastic damping element on the value of kinetic and starting moments of resistance in a bearing unit // Вестник Алтайского государственного аграрного университета. 2024. № 2 (232). С. 99–105.

