Peer Review

Regulations on Reviewing Research Papers Submitted for Publication in Bulletin of Altai State Agricultural University 

  1. Basic Provisions

1.1. The journal «Bulletin of Altai State Agricultural University » reviews all incoming materials appropriate to the subject, with a view to peer review.

1.2. All reviewers are acknowledged experts on the subject of peer-reviewed materials and for 3 recent years have publications on the subject of peer-reviewed articles.

1.3. The paper must contain only unrestricted information. Papers with classification designation may not be considered for publication.

1.4. In case the referee’s general positive evaluation is accompanied with many critical comments the paper may be considered disputable and published ad a matter of scholarly discussion.

1.5. The Editorial Board of the journal «Bulletin of Altai State Agricultural University» sends to the authors of submissions copies of reviews or reasoned refusal.

1.6. Reviews are stored in the publishing and editorial office for 3 years.

1.7. The journal «Bulletin of Altai State Agricultural University» is obliged to send copies of reviews to the Ministry of Education and Science when the relevant request is received by the publishing office.

  1. Paper evaluation aspects

2.1.The referee must pay due regard to the importance and significance of the issue addressed by the author in the paper.

2.2. The review must give a definite evaluation of the theoretical and/or applied value of the research, the relevance of the author’s conclusions to recent theories in the studied area.

2.3. The evaluation of the author’s contribution to the research under investigation must constitute the essential element of the review.

2.4. The review needs to point out the relevance of the paper style, organization structure and clarity to its contents, and make a conclusion about accuracy and validity of the author’s conclusions.

  1. Paper overall evaluation

3.1. The review must provide the paper overall evaluation and on the basis of this recommend the paper to be a) accepted for publication b) revised  c) rejected.

3.2. The review must express in clear language the paper correspondence to the specified requirements.

3.3. In case there are policy considerations suppressing the publication the paper is rejected as not meeting the requirements of the Higher Attestation Committee at the RF Ministry of Education and Science.