Sugar beet hybrids of Florimond Desprez Company in the fields of the Lipetsk Region


  • Валентина Андреевна Гулидова Елецкий государственный университет имени И.А. Бунина



This paper compares the sugar beet hybrids of the Florimond Desprez Company. The studied hybrids (Oural, Ardan, Candimax, Narcos and Danube) showed high yields, high sugar content of root crops and high yields of granulated sugar under the conditions of the Lipetsk Region on leached heavy loamy chernozem. Of the five sugar beet hybrids under the conditions of the Lipetsk Region, the late ripening hybrid Narcos was the most productive one in terms of gross sugar recovery - the key indicator for sugar beet growers. This hybrid ensured a gross sugar recovery of 10.66 t ha. This hybrid also formed the roots with higher sugar content (18.16%) than other hybrids under study. The hybrid Maximella (KWS Company) was the control; it turned out to be more productive in the Lipetsk Region than the Florimond Desprez hybrids. This hybrid outyielded the studied hybrids regarding the gross sugar recovery: Oural hybrid - by 0.666 t ha, Ardan - 0.515 t ha, Candimax - 0.883 t ha, Narcos - 0.303 t ha, Danube - 1.221 t ha. The hybrid Danube showed the lowest productivity with high sugar content (17.81%) in the roots. The most processable roots regarding weight were those of the hybrids Ardan (376 g), Narcos (358 g) and Candimax (333 g). The cultivation of Florimond Desprez hybrids was profitable; the Narcos hybrid showed the greatest profitability - 492.6%.

Author Biography

Валентина Андреевна Гулидова, Елецкий государственный университет имени И.А. Бунина

д.с.-х.н., профессор



How to Cite

1. Гулидова В. А. Sugar beet hybrids of Florimond Desprez Company in the fields of the Lipetsk Region // Вестник Алтайского государственного аграрного университета. 2021. № 11 (205). С. 5–12.