Evaluation of application efficiency of the system of program-algorithmic and information means of advanced forecasting of parameters of technical condition of truck units and assemblies


  • Arkadiy Krikov Siberian Federal Scientific Center of Agro-Biotechnologies of Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Aleksey Ivannikov Siberian Federal Scientific Center of Agro-Biotechnologies of Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Maksim Sidorenko Siberian Federal Scientific Center of Agro-Biotechnologies of Russian Academy of Sciences




improved forecasting, trucks, Excel spreadsheets, LibreOffice software application, technical diagnostics, performance evaluation, system of software-algorithmic and information tools


This paper discusses the main findings of testing the effectiveness of the system of software-algorithmic and information means of advanced forecasting of parameters of the technical condition of truck units and assemblies. From many ways to reduce the time expenditures of specialists to perform multifaceted technological measures to ensure the basic reliability of machinery, we consider a set of tasks related to maintenance and technical diagnostics of trucks as one of the main types of mechanization in the agro-industrial complex. To achieve this goal, we have created an information model which increases the accuracy of forecasting indicators of technical parameters of units and assemblies of trucks of agricultural producers using computer technologies. To evaluate the expected efficiency of the system of program-algorithmic and information means, the production test of the system under the conditions of an agricultural commodity producer company was carried out. Based on the above, the research goal was as following: to evaluate the effectiveness of technical diagnostics of trucks using a system of software-algorithmic and information tools. The production test was carried out on the farm of the ZAO Novomayskoe of the Krasnozerskiy District, Novosibirsk Region, using 11 Kamaz trucks belonging to the farm. The calculation of the efficiency of the system of program-algorithmic and information means was carried out according to the method developed by the authors’ team. The research findings show that when using the proposed system, the total time saving for all types of maintenance of one vehicle amounted to 26 hours per year. The labor costs during maintenance without the use of the system of software-algorithmic and information means amount to 105 man-hours, and with the use of this system - 79 man-hours. Thus, the introduction of the system of software-algorithmic and information tools will reduce labor costs for maintenance and technical diagnostics, and thus it is possible to increase the annual volume of work and, as a consequence, to increase labor productivity at the point of truck service.

Author Biographies

Arkadiy Krikov, Siberian Federal Scientific Center of Agro-Biotechnologies of Russian Academy of Sciences

Dr. Tech. Sci., Prof., Chief Researcher

Aleksey Ivannikov, Siberian Federal Scientific Center of Agro-Biotechnologies of Russian Academy of Sciences

Cand. Tech. Sci., Assoc. Prof., Leading Researcher

Maksim Sidorenko, Siberian Federal Scientific Center of Agro-Biotechnologies of Russian Academy of Sciences

post-graduate student



How to Cite

1. Krikov А. М., Ivannikov А. Б., Sidorenko М. Н. Evaluation of application efficiency of the system of program-algorithmic and information means of advanced forecasting of parameters of technical condition of truck units and assemblies // Вестник Алтайского государственного аграрного университета. 2025. № 2 (244). С. 86–91.

