Influence of variety and growing conditions on soybean yields in the Biya-Chumysh zone of the Altai Region


  • Darya Denisova Altai State Agricultural University
  • Stalina Zharkova Altai State Agricultural University



soybean, variety, seeds, conditions, yielding capacity, factor, maturing capacity, response, interaction


Currently, soybean is one of the most popular leguminous crops in agricultural production. Soybean grain contains many valuable nutrients, and protein is the most valuable one. In terms of the amino acid composition, soybean protein differs insignificantly from that of animal fat protein. Soybean production in Russia has grown significantly over the past 10 years. In 2023, the area under soybeans amounted to 3.6 million ha which was by 4.6% higher than that in 2022. In 2024, the area under this valuable crop reached its maximum level for the entire period of this crop growing and amounted to 4.3 million ha, exceeding the 2023 level by 7.3%. Soybean is a highly profitable and popular crop in many sectors of the national economy. In addition, the soybean growers receive support from the Government of the Russian Federation for the development of soybean production in the form of subsidies for the purchase of equipment, fertilizers, etc. The research in the field of developing new soybean varieties, intensifying agricultural technologies with the introduction of new methods of tillage, crop rotation and other elements that contribute to increasing crop yields are also supported. The proposed new varieties undoubtedly have many positive qualities, but not all of them can realize their biological potential in a certain zone of growing. It is found that the Yukon and Alberta varieties under the conditions of this zone may be characterized as varieties with an extensive development pattern that allows obtaining varying yields, but annually regardless of the conditions of the year. The Fulford variety under fairly favorable conditions for the crop is capable of increasing its growing season which contributes to such a phenomenon as seed non-maturation and yield shortfall.

Author Biographies

Darya Denisova, Altai State Agricultural University

post-graduate student

Stalina Zharkova, Altai State Agricultural University

Dr. Agr. Sci., Assoc. Prof.



How to Cite

1. Denisova Д. А., Zharkova С. В. Influence of variety and growing conditions on soybean yields in the Biya-Chumysh zone of the Altai Region // Вестник Алтайского государственного аграрного университета. 2025. № 1 (243). С. 5–10.