Determination of beeswax and comb foundation quality
beeswax, artificial comb foundation, adulterant impurities, beeswax quality, GOST (Russian National Standard), bee healthAbstract
This paper discusses the data on the quality evaluation of artificial comb foundations in accordance with the requirements of the current national standard GOST 21180-2012 “Artificial comb foundation. Technical specifications”. The research was conducted in the Penza State Pedagogical University, the City of Penza, Penza Region. The research goal was to identify the quality indices of artificial comb foundations and the presence of adulterant impurities adversely affecting the health of the apiary. Artificial comb foundations made in the Pachelmskiy District of the Penza Region, Tambov Region, Moscow Region, and the Penzenskiy District of the Penza Region were used as samples. All samples were examined regarding the following indices: color, smell, taste, surface, chewing test, kneading test, number of sheets per 1 kg, sheet size, mm (length and width), thickness of the rhombuses of the cell bases, presence of mechanical damage, cell size, mm, transparency, and mechanical strength. It was found that the samples of artificial comb foundations did not meet the requirements of the GOST 21180-2012 “Artificial comb foundation. Technical specifications” and contained adulterant impurities in different proportions which was substantiated by the data on several indices. It was found that the organoleptic method of comb foundation quality evaluation made it possible to determine the presence of adulterant impurities, comb foundation quality and the suitability for their use in apiaries. It was proved that the highest quality comb foundations were the samples number 1 - comb foundations produced in the Pachelmskiy District of the Penza Region and number 3 – comb foundations produced in the Moscow Region. They might be used to make future hive frames and renew wax raw materials in the apiary.