Influence of chemicalization agents on the formation of emmer wheat crop in the southern forest-steppe of West Siberia
emmer wheat, herbicide, ammonium phosphate fertilizer, Аlbit fertilizer, Izagri Vita fertilizer, grain yieldAbstract
This paper discusses the research findings on the effect of chemicalization on the yield of emmer variety Runo from 2021 through 2023 on meadow-chernozem, medium-thick, low-humus, medium-loamy soil under the conditions of the southern forest-steppe of the Omsk Region. Emmer was sown as the second crop after spring wheat following bare fallow. The experiment was replicated four times; the plot area was 60 m2 (2 × 30). The experiments were established against two nutritional backgrounds: without any fertilizers and 100 kg of ammonium phosphate fertilizer (N12P52) at sowing. Three intensification variants were applied on these backgrounds: 1) herbicide Puma Plus (1.4 L ha) at tillering stage; 2) herbicide + Albit fertilizer (40 mL ha) at tillering stage; 3) herbicide + Albit fertilizer + Isagri Vita fertilizer (1 L ha) at tillering stage + Isagri Vita fertilizer (1 L ha) at the beginning of ear formation. Working fluid consumption amounted to 200 L ha. The studies revealed weak response of emmer to the additional application of chemicals. Herbicide application along with fertilizers ensured a gain of 0.08 t ha. With Albit was added, the yield increased by 0.07-0.08 t ha. With complex chemicalization, compared to the use of herbicide only, additional gain amounted to 0.12-0.13 t ha.