Optimization of spraying fluid consumption when spraying emmer wheat crops with herbicide


  • Ruslan Topekha Omsk State Agricultural University
  • Nikolay Rendov Omsk State Agricultural University
  • Ekaterina Nekrasova Omsk State Agricultural University
  • Svetlana Mozyleva Omsk State Agricultural University




emmer wheat, plant survival, weed percentage in agrophytocenosis, spraying fluid consumption, grain yield


The research data are presented on the consumption rate of spraying fluid (50, 100 and 200 L ha) when spraying the herbicide Puma Plus, emulsifiable concentrate, (1.4 L ha) on emmer wheat crops of the Runo variety. The experiments were conducted from 2020 through 2022 on meadow-chernozemic medium-thick, low-humus, medium-loamy soil in the southern forest-steppe of the Omsk Region. The emmer wheat crops were grown in the following crop rotation: bare fallow - wheat - emmer wheat - wheat. Emmer wheat sowing rate amounted to 2.5 million germinable seeds per hectare; the sowing dates - within the second ten-days of May. The crop was sown against the background without any fertilizers and with pre-sowing application of ammonium phosphate fertilizer (N12P52). The crops were sprayed with herbicide at the tillering stage. It was found that the optimal consumption rate of spraying fluid at herbicide treatment was 200 L ha. The survival rate of emmer wheat plants increased compared to the use of 50 L ha by 1.7% (against unfertilized background) and by 1.9% (against fertilized background). The weed percentage decreased by 0.83% and 0.58% depending on the nutrition background and was at the level of weak weed infestation. In general, fertilizer application increased weed infestation of the agrophytocenosis (by 0.56%). The yields of emmer wheat grain with increased consumption of spraying fluid from 50 to 200 L ha increased by 0.16 t ha (when sowing the crop without fertilizer application) and 0.17 t ha (when applying ammonium phosphate fertilizer before sowing). The application of fertilizers increased the levels of crop yield depending on the variant by 0.12...0.17 t ha.

Author Biographies

Ruslan Topekha, Omsk State Agricultural University

post-graduate student

Nikolay Rendov, Omsk State Agricultural University

Dr. Agr. Sci., Prof.

Ekaterina Nekrasova, Omsk State Agricultural University

Cand. Agr. Sci., Assoc. Prof.

Svetlana Mozyleva, Omsk State Agricultural University

Cand. Agr. Sci., Assoc. Prof.



How to Cite

1. Topekha Р. В., Rendov Н. А., Nekrasova Е. В., Mozyleva С. И. Optimization of spraying fluid consumption when spraying emmer wheat crops with herbicide // Вестник Алтайского государственного аграрного университета. 2024. № 1 (231). С. 12–17.