Use of biotechnological techniques in forage conservation


  • Aleksandr Bulgakov OOO “Mustang-Sibir”
  • Darya Bulgakova Altai State Agricultural University
  • Konstantin Motovilov Siberian Federal Scientific Center of Agro-Biotechnologies of Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Petr Baryshnikov Altai State Agricultural University
  • Nikolay Ponamarev Altai State Agricultural University



preservatives, Biosib preservative, Probactil preservative, organic acids, lactic-acid bacteria, propionic bacteria, energy value, protein


Preservatives ensure maximum safe storage of forage (they reduce the loss of feed nutrients from 15 to 30%), prevent self-heating, the development of fungi and mold, and solve the problem of preserving nutrients and energy. At the same time, not all managers of agricultural enterprises are inclined to use preservatives, vacuum and covering films to improve forage preservation. They believe that the costs of consumables are higher than losses during forage preservation. However, there is not enough accurate data on this issue in the literature, and the issue is quite relevant. The losses during silage making without preservatives and covering material amounted to 32% of the total volume of silage pile or 960 tons of silage, and losses of haylage - 27% or 540 tons of haylage. This is due to the significant development of aerobic putrefactive bacteria which, together with mold fungi, gradually transform the top layer into a slippery, smearing mass, making it impermeable to air and thereby creating ideal conditions for the subsequent occurrence of anaerobic putrefactive and butyric acid fermentation in it. The loss of milk due to decreased energy value of maize silage compared to piles No. 2 - 196.8 tons and No. 3 - 329.9 tons; melilot haylage - compared to trenches No. 2 - 230.6 tons and No. 3 - 280.3 tons. In this regard, revenue was lost (27 rubles per 1 kg of milk) due to decreased quality of silage - 5.3-8.9 million rubles; that of haylage - 6.2-7.6 million rubles. To increase the nutritional and energy value, reduce losses due to spoilage of the top layer, maize silage and melilot haylage, it is required to use a film of at least 150 µm as a cover, and biological preservatives Probactil or Biosib. The Probactil preservative is efficient for quick preservation, the preservation period is 7 days, and Biosib preservative for longer preservation, the period is 40-45 days. For maize silage, Probactil is used in a dose of 50 mL per ton of silage mass; for melilot haylage, the dose should be doubled to 100 mL t with the addition of 20 mL t of polyenzyme. The Biosib preservative - for maize silage in a dose of 100 mL per ton of silage mass; for melilot hayage - 200 mL t with the addition of 40 mL t of polyenzyme.

Author Biographies

Aleksandr Bulgakov, OOO “Mustang-Sibir”

Dr. Agr. Sci., Prof., Expert

Darya Bulgakova, Altai State Agricultural University


Konstantin Motovilov, Siberian Federal Scientific Center of Agro-Biotechnologies of Russian Academy of Sciences

Dr. Bio. Sci., Prof., Corresponding Member of Rus. Acad. of Sci., Chief Researcher

Petr Baryshnikov, Altai State Agricultural University

Dr. Vet. Sci., Prof.

Nikolay Ponamarev, Altai State Agricultural University

Dr. Vet. Sci., Prof.



How to Cite

1. Bulgakov А. М., Bulgakova Д. А., Motovilov К. Я., Baryshnikov П. И., Ponamarev Н. М. Use of biotechnological techniques in forage conservation // Вестник Алтайского государственного аграрного университета. 2023. № 12 (230). С. 59–64.